4028 South 1400 East
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84124
SQL, Python, Jupyter Notebook | RStudio, Github | SPSS, SAS, STATA | Tableau |
Data Warehouse Design | Amazon Cloud Architecture | Graph Database Design | Regression/ Classification Models |
Grant Writing | Team Oriented Collaborator | Problem Solver | Excellent Communicator |
Health Policy Analysis | Research Design | Systems Thinking | Fluent Spanish |
7.1.2022- present
Engaged with a coalition of healthcare stakeholders in Utah over 2020-21 to develop a strategic plan for improving health workforce data collection and policy guidance resulting in the passage of HB 176, The Utah Health Workforce Act in the 2022 legislative session.
This legislation did three things:
Created the Utah Health Workforce Information Center (HWIC) out of the workforce research team of the Utah Medical Education Council (UMEC).
Integrated supplemental supply surveys of the health workforce with the license and renewal process in Utah and aligned access for the HWIC to various Utah Department of Health data sources to improve modeling and analytics.
Created the Utah Health Workforce Advisory Committee to provide guidance on health policy resource allocation for legislators, administrators and policy makers.
Continuing duties of Director, Workforce Research from the UMEC.
Serving on the Health Workforce Interest Group Advisory Committee for Academy Health.
Serving on the expert work-group for the HRSA funded Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center at the University of Albany.
Member of the Utah Hospital Association Workforce Committee, The Utah Nurse Action Coalition and the Utah Organization of Nurse Leaders Academic Leadership Committee.
Consulting the University of Utah School of Medicine- “American Indian Health Workforce Plan”.
1.2022- 6.2022
01.2018- 12.2021
Supervise all research staff and interns.
Management of all research projects for the Council.
Provide high level expertise in research design, statistical analysis and emerging issues/trends.
Design, development and management of data cleaning processes, data warehousing, modeling and visualization.
Responsible for survey design, data collection, authoring/editing of research papers, project reports, policy and position papers, articles and technical reports.
Providing consultation, recommendations and support for executive level decision makers, educators administrators and researchers across the healthcare industry in Utah and nationally regarding medical workforce policy issues.
Designed and maintained Amazon Cloud environment for research purposes
Managed creation of data warehouse environment for storing supply data sets for analysis.
Set up an RShiny server in AWS cloud to publish interactive data visualizations.
Set up a NEO4J graph database in AWS cloud with web browser interface on a utah.gov domain to query and analyze state APCD data.
01.2016 -2018
Director of Utah’s Nursing Workforce Information Center.
Responsible for mentoring and direction of the work of research analyst team.
Gather survey data, analyze, present and advise on nurse education, supply and demand.
Created methodology, data linkage and authored the first Utah Nursing Employment Demand Study as required in statute by the State legislature beginning in 2020.
01.2010 – 12.2015
Consulting, research, surveying, analysis and policy recommendation development for all categories of the Utah healthcare workforce (ie: physicians, dentists, PAs, APRNs, pharmacists)
Secure management of all data received by the office from state agencies and health professional training programs.
Maintain the state of Utah’s Physician Resident Rotation Database; allowing for resident training hospitals to assure maximum reimbursement from Medicare for Graduate Medical Education training.
06.2006 – 06.2015
03.2008 – 12.2009
Acted as presiding officer in the review and representation of the State in administrative action against individuals who had incurred a public assistance overpayment.
Reviewed the work of an Overpayment Calculation Analyst for accuracy, correct administrative legal classification and proper supporting evidence to order an overpayment of welfare benefits.
Responsible for explanation and presentation of complex welfare policies within the setting of an administrative hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge to overpaid individuals and legal counsel.
06.2005 – 02.2008
Interpreted federal and state welfare policies including TANF, Food Stamps and Child Care to approve application for benefits.
Medicaid specialist embedded at Community Health Centers- Utah.
10.2003 – 01.2005
Researched, wrote, submitted and reported on over 150 established grants per year from foundations, corporations and government.
Tracked the receipt and recognition of grant and donation monies through donor database software.
Assisted Development staff with the planning of all yearly fundraisers, direct mailings, volunteer coordination, updating agency website and education of the public through tours and speaking engagements.
10.2002 –10.2003
Provided Case management services to between 20 and 30 clients at any time Assisted clients with referrals to any community assistance programs available.
Coordination with community agencies to assure clients receipt of services.
Interviewed patients to assess eligibility for private clinic and public health care programs.
Developed and implemented procedures and training for the care coordination position.
Assisted clients in arranging to receive medical services at no cost through local medical providers who were willing to voluntarily donate their professional services.
Certificate in International Relations
Hinkley Institute of Politics, Summer Internship
Chasqui Humanitarian- Cuzco Peru, 2000
Assisted with development and implementation of humanitarian aid projects such as health and hygiene clinics, construction of modern restroom facilities, and micro-credit loan programs for small businesses.
Supervision and management of volunteer work groups from the U.S. who came to Peru to assist in aid projects the organization had developed.
Sharing best practices in policy, planning and advocacy of healthcare workforce issues across member states. Focused on supporting nursing in the context of improving the nursing role in the inter-professional care team.
Working on data driven decision making tools to support better resource allocation for healthcare policy makers at the state and national level.
Adopt and act on any changes to the City’s master plans, small area plans, special studies, zoning ordinances, and zoning district maps, approving planned unit developments, conditional uses and certain subdivisions.