State Government Data Scientist/Analyst with Expertise in Health Policy
Hobbies: Woodworking, Vintage Vespas, Fiberglass Camp Trailers, Martin Guitars
Twitter: @ceruttinger
LinkedIn: Clark-Ruttinger
Currently trying to understand this amazing book: The Book of Why
Title: Director of Workforce Research Utah Medical Education Council (UMEC).
Advise the healthcare industry on workforce education and practice trends.
Collect and analyze supply, education and demand data about the state’s health workforce.
Design dashboarding.
Create stock and flow projections.
Research Health Human Resource optimization modeling.
Track health workforce policy issues on the state, regional and national level.
In July of 2022 my office will be merged with the new Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as part of the new Governor’s One Utah Roadmap.
I will become the Director of the Utah Health Workforce Information Center within DHHS.
Deep Experience in Health Policy and Social Services.
Started my career as an Americorps member working as a care coordinator for the Wasatch Homeless Health Care, Fourth St. Clinic in Salt Lake City during the 2002 Winter Olympics.
Two years as the grant writer for a local homeless shelter.
Five years as a Medicaid/ welfare benefit analyst in Utah state government.
Eight years as a Planning Commissioner for Salt Lake City.
My goal is to advance my understanding of the interconnectedness of healthcare and health systems through Health Services Research/ Informatics and Data Science.
The Underlying Persistent Themes of My Career Have Been Health Policy and Data Analysis.
I’ve helped build and manage a database of providers willing to volunteer and donate clinical services to homeless patients.
I’ve tracked and queried Medicaid/ welfare benefits eligibility policy data in support of administering state programs.
I have coordinated data collection and cleaning for submission of clean cost reports for GME allocation across residency programs in Utah.
Some of my current work is focused on advancing an IBM Healthcorps grant I received in 2018 to build a primary care workforce supply model in comparison to population health needs.
I am architecting an information system within the Utah state government that can interconnect all available data sources from both public/ state government and private sources into a knowledge graph specific to improving health workforce policy analysis for stakeholders within the state of Utah including the state legislature, education and health system administrators.
Active Participant in the National Conversation Around Health Policy, Data Analysis and Interconnectivity.
I’ve been an accepted speaker at the AAMC Annual Workforce Conference for the years 2019- 2022.
In 2021 I built a comparison analysis dashboard of Physician specialty population to provider ratios in Utah to AAMC national averages.
From 2018- 2020 I had the opportunity to serve on the board/ and as Board President of the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers.
Coauthor of the 2020 NCSBN National Nursing Workforce Survey.
Participant on the Expert Workgroup for the HRSA funded Health Workforce Technology Assistance Center.
Participant on the Academy Health, Health Workforce Interest Group Advisory Committee for 2021-2022.
Invited to be a visiting scholar with the American Board of Family Medicine, Center for Professionalism and Value, Summer 2023.
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